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Astrobee's First Day

Genre:  Educational, Kids

Development Time: 4 months + (project ongoing)

Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Project Type: Group, University

Responsibilities: Refine existing blueprints, create new mini-games, provide art/design feedback.

Astrobee's First Day was a group university project that I got to be a part of in my final year at Academy of Art University. I was on a team with other two other game designers and a handful of artists. Most of my work consisted of re-visiting previous designers' work to refine it as well as make it more user friendly to the many hands that come and go on the project each semester. I also created and fine-tuned a zero gravity shape matching mini-game! My contributions to the project can be seen in the videos below.

Fun Facts

When I came into the project, the Fun Fact pop-ups already existed but each window was hard-coded into the blueprints. There was no easy way for designers or artists to freely edit the content of the Fun Facts without understanding the code. My job was to make the Fun Facts freely editable as well as juice them up until they were fun! Since this is a game for kids, I kept it simple and made a blur slider mini-game to reveal the facts and then added some fireworks to spice it up at the end. Check it out below!

Workshop 1 Mini-Game Demo

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